The Haunting of Hill House Friday & Saturday 8PM
The Taylor House B&B in JP
Ok, it's $12, so it doesn't exactly pass the cheap test, but free Notch beer makes it worth it I think. This looks crazy. It's a play about guests trapped in a haunted house - and it's being done in an old Victorian house off the pond. There will be a glow-in-the-dark Ouija board raffle and a fortune teller. Looks guaranteed to creep you out.
Archaeology Dig at the Harvard Museum Saturday 10AM-1PM

11 Divinity Ave., Cambridge
Not meant to be scary, but archaeology does conjure up some Indiana Jones type adventures. So show up on Saturday dressed to dig and learn about what Harvard archaeology students are unearthing.

JP Lantern Parade Saturday and Sunday 6-8PM

Jamaica Pond
Certainly one of the sweetest, most adorable community events we have in JP. Throughout the week there are lantern making parties at Spontaneous Celebrations and City Feed. Or just pick up your own lantern making kit at Boing!. As the sun sets around the pond, everyone takes a stroll around the pond. It's really cool to see the bobbing lanterns circling the water. I've also decided that kids in costumes are cute . . . while dogs in costumes are scary.
The Great Pumpkin Float Saturday 5:30 PM

Pope John Paul II Park, Dorchester
I haven't seen this particular float before, but I have attended the Pumpkin Regatta. It's amazing these things float! Bring a jack o lantern you don't mind parting with, cause it's going for a sail!
As always, more events and free stuff on the calendar at the bottom of
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